vbscript 帮我看一下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:56:58
<script language="vbscript">
function jiDu(aaa)
if a <> "" then
document.aa.bb.value=cint(document.aa.bb.value & aaa)
end if
end function

function dianJi()
if document.aa.bb.value>=1 or document.aa.bb.value<=2 then
msgbox "冬天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=3 or document.aa.bb.value<=5 then
msgbox "春天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=6 or document.aa.bb.value<=8 then
msgbox "夏天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=9 or document.aa.bb.value<=11 then
msgbox "秋天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value=12 then
msgbox "冬天"
msgbox "请输入12或者以内的数字"
end if
end function
<form name="aa">
<input type="text" name="bb" maxlength="2" siz

<script language="vbscript">
function jiDu(aaa)
if a <> "" then
document.aa.bb.value=cint(document.aa.bb.value & aaa)
end if
end function

function dianJi()
if document.aa.bb.value>=1 and document.aa.bb.value<=2 then
msgbox "冬天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=3 and document.aa.bb.value<=5 then
msgbox "春天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=6 and document.aa.bb.value<=8 then
msgbox "夏天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value>=9 and document.aa.bb.value<=11 then
msgbox "秋天"
elseif document.aa.bb.value=12 then
msgbox "冬天"
msgbox "请输入12或者以内的数字"
end if
end function
<form name="aa">
<input type="text" name="bb" maxlength="2