摘要: 绿色化学即是用化学的技术和方法消除那些对人类健康、社会安全、生态环境有害的原料

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:38:25

The green chemistry is the subject disposing materials harmful to human health, social security and ecological environment

Abstract: The green chemistry is eliminates these with the chemistry technology and the method to the humanity health, the social security, the ecological environment harmful raw material

摘要: 绿色化学即是用化学的技术和方法消除那些对人类健康、社会安全、生态环境有害的原料

Absract: Green Chemistry means to dispose those raw materials that affect the health of the human beings, the safety of the society and the ecological environmental using chemical techniques and methods. (technologies in Chemistry better)