
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 17:46:22


English is a SKILL, not knowledge.
You must practice often and often to improve your English skill.

Different people learn English differently. There are people who enjoy another language and be skillful and are talented in language. These are people have more open attitude, extrovert and easier to adapt. They are less likely to be embarrassed.

You should have written this question in English, so just to practice often.

When you watch American DVD movies, do you turn off the Chinese subtitles? Why not?

When you watch CCTV channel 9 English news broadcast, do you take the opportunities to watch how the broadcaster pronounce each word and watch their mouth movements? If not, why not?

英语就是词汇量 使劲背背背~ 然后尽量用英语对话~加强口语

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我现在读大二了但我连小学英语都搞不懂,现在要怎样才能把英语搞好 我现在都已经读大二了 都大二了,我现在没女友,也不知道怎么办? 我现在已经大二了,还没有写入党申请书.家里人都让我现在写.但我觉得现在写毕业也不一定能入上.我该怎么办? 我非常想学体操,比如后空翻,自由体操,但我现在读大二了,请问现在学会不会太迟? 我爱上了一个女孩,但我却一直没感向她表白,因为我怕被她拒绝,连朋友都做不成了,大家帮我呀!(我今年大二了) 我已经大二了,现在不想在社团干了,但业余时间又不知道干什么? 我现在大二了,准备去加拿大读硕士研究生,什么都没有准备,但是我不太清楚程序... 我现在大二了,希望考研去加拿大,但英语不行该怎办? 我现在大二