
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 22:40:29
曾经在这里已经问过这个问题,可是又遇到新问题了。我现在住在美国,我的绿卡有效期只有2年,前几天突然发现绿卡已经过期一年多了,于是我马上申请更新,可我听说绿卡更新需要5个月左右,马上要放假了,我想今年的5月底回国,可我大概要在9月份才能拿到绿卡,我没有绿卡只有中国护照回到中国还能回美国了吗?还有其他的证件可以代替绿卡么?补充一下:我有Social Security Number跟美国学校的ID什么的。一个多月之前我爸爸向移民局申请绿卡更新,可是2个礼拜之后打了回来,说我绿卡过期已经1年多了,拒绝给更新。那这样的话意味着什么啊?难道我要被强行赶回国么?他永远都不会给我绿卡了么?3个礼拜之前我爸爸又申请,写明了原因,因为去年我没跟我爸妈住在一起,而且那时候我还未满18岁,可这都3个礼拜了还没消息,怎么办啊?
可是我爸妈都是公民`美国如果把我赶回国的话好像说不过去吧,我在这边已经参加好几个有关大学的考试了,像SAT,ACT,AP Calculus.我现在到底应该怎么办啊?

you may be CONDITIONAL RESIDENTS. This page applies equally to you while you are in conditional resident status. The difference between you and an unconditioned permanent resident is that your permanent resident status will expire in two years from when it was given, unless you successfully petition to have the condition removed. Those of you with conditional permanent residence either received your residence through a marriage relationship where the marriage was less than two years old at the time you became a Permanent Resident, or you received that status through an investment as an employment creation immigrant (EB-5). If you successfully petition for removal of the condition on your immigration status, this page will still apply to you as a Permanent Resident.


P。S。 如果你父母都是公民,那当时你是以何种方式那到绿卡的?怎么会是2年啊?是不是其中一个是你的后父,或后妈?当时他(她)也是2年绿卡,需要面试,才能拿到长期绿卡,3年他(她)申请了公民,你那时就被喇下了,没有一起换长期绿卡。如果是这种情形,你是不会被赶