
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 08:21:29

[摘 要]在物流业迅速发展的今天,绿色化运动已经渗透到物流业当中,从而产生绿色物流。本文通过对绿色物流定义和绿色物流产生的现实背景的介绍,从而提出了发展绿色物流的重要性。首先在绿色包装方面以SHARP公司为例介绍了发展绿色包装有利于提高包装的利用率,节约资源等;其次从逆向物流发面介绍了发展绿色物流不但能节约资源,而且能够降低废弃物对环境的污染;最后从绿色物流是企业的“第三利润源泉”、绿色物流有利于提高企业取得新的竞争优势、绿色物流可以避免资源浪费,增强企业的社会责任感,提高其声誉度、绿色物流是提高人民物质文化生活的重要途径四个方面充分阐述了发展绿色物流对社会生活及发展的重要性。但与外国的发展现状比,我国绿色物流的发展还存在很多的问题,所以本文在最后介绍了针对我国绿色物流发展中存在的问题提出了解决方法。



Abstract] in the rapid development of the logistics industry today, the green movement had infiltrated into the logistics industry, thereby creating green logistics. Based on the definition of green and green logistics logistics of the background briefing, thus the development of green the importance of logistics. First in green packaging company in SHARP example of the development of green packaging is conducive to improving the utilization of packaging, conservation of resources; Second, from reverse logistics leavened dough on the development of green logistics will not only save money, to reduce waste and environmental pollution; Finally green logistics enterprises are "the third source of profits," Green Logistics will help to raise the enterprises achieve new competitive advantage, green logistics avoid the waste of resources, enhance corporate social responsibility, enhance its reputation, the Green Logistics is to improve the people's material and c