
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 06:57:33


Mr. Wang Gagang, Chairman of the Xindu Hotel,Optical Valley has entrusted Mr. Anthony to invite investors from Spain to participate in this project. They can either have the sole ownership or to enter into joint venture with the hotel. They can also introduce the Spanish culture and arts, educational, science and technology, food and beverages, entertainment to the project (items), so as to eastblish (build ) a first-class five-star hotel in Wuhan.

Optical Valley Xindu Hotel chairman of the newly commissioned Mr. Anthony, Spain enthusiasm invited investors to invest in the project; Outright may also be associated, and the Spanish culture and arts, education, science and technology, entertainment introduction of the item, Wuhan forge a first-class five-star hotel.