用英文介绍一个国家 急 高分!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 12:56:31
用英文介绍一个国家 最好是韩国 和 巴黎


我打好了中文 大家请帮我翻译下


早在很多年以前,我就跟我妈妈说,我要去巴黎!这个法国的首都。巴黎是世界上十大名城之一。它位于法国北部巴黎盆地的中央,城跨塞纳河两岸。巴黎有小巴黎、大巴黎之分。巴黎建都已有1400多年的历史,而城市自身的历史已有2000多年。人们漫游这座城市,所留下的最深刻的印象是:它既保留着许多闻名世界的历史遗迹,又有许多宏伟壮丽的现代化建筑,拥有许多世界闻名的历史遗迹和艺术建筑。像埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、协和广场、卢浮宫、凡尔赛宫等更是让人留连忘返。有“花都”之美称。 巴黎是法国政治、经济和文化的中心。因此我更向往这个浪漫的都市,我向往在布满繁星的夜,在塞纳河上看着这个浪漫的夜。

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Many as early as years ago, I said with my mother, I will go to Paris!The capital city of this France.Paris is ten one of the name citieses in the world.It locates the north Paris basin in France of central, the city acrosses a Seine cross-straits.Paris separates small Paris, greatly Parisianly.Paris' founding a capital has already had the history of more than 1400 years, but the history of city oneself already more than 2000 years.People travel extensively this city, the most deep impression left BE:It since reserve many histories historic relics which be known for world, and then have many grand magnificent modern buildings, own history historic relic and art building that many worlds are known for.Be like Eiffel Tower, iron pagoda, Parisian Holy Mother hospital and help to float a temple with square, Palais du Louvre , Versailles temple's etc. makes the person unwilling to leave more.There is"flowers all" its the United States to call. Paris is a French