
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 06:34:09



平凉市地处陕、甘、宁三省(区)交汇处,东邻陕西咸阳,西连甘肃定西、白银,南接陕西宝鸡、甘肃天水,北倚宁夏固原、甘肃庆阳,是甘肃东部重要的区域性中心城市和承接中东部省区产业转移与开放开发的“东大门”。全市辖泾川、灵台、崇信、华亭、庄浪、静宁6县和崆峒区,总面积1.1万平方公里,总人口224万人,以回族为主的少数民族占总人口的7.3%。 Pingliang City is situated at the junction of Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It borders Xianyang City of Shaanxi Province in the east, Dingxi and Baiyin Cities of Gansu Province in the west, Baoji City of Shaanxi Province and Tianshui City of Gansu Province in the south and Guyuan County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Qingyang City of Gansu Province in the north. It is therefore an important regional center in eastern Gansu Province that carries on the industrial transformation of provinces and autonomous regions in central and eastern parts of China and also the Eastern Gateway of Gansu Province for economic development and opening up to the outside world. With one district (Kongtong) and six counties (Ji