
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:48:25
非利普教授督促自己象督促他的学生一样认真(drive as hard as)
他成功的秘诀是他对教育事业的忠诚(devotion to)
这件事情是Tom在巴西巡回演出时发生的(on a tour)

Doc.Philips drive himself as hard as he do on their students.

His key to success is his devotion to the loyalty to the education.

This affairs happened when Tom is on a tour to Brazil

Professor Philip drives himself as hard as driving his students.
His secret for success is his devotion to the education career.
This thing was happened on a tour of performing of Tom in Brazil.

Professor Phillips drive himself as hard as his students.
His key to success is his devotion to the education.
This happened when Tom was on a tour in Brazil.