有谁知道有关心愿的短文? 最好是100个字左右的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 05:36:39
我急的很啊 帮帮忙啊 谢了

Just One Wish By Margaret E. Mack
Fox River gave life to the country town of Colby Point, for the road and the river ran alongside one another. Colby Point was really the name of a road that crept between the hills and valleys of McHenry, Illinois. Homes were scattered here and there - mostly summer homes and retirement homes. At the very end of the road three houses all faced one another. Three sisters - all single, all seniors - lived in one of the homes. Across the way their widowed first cousin lived in a yellow house. Next to her lived their brother, Bill, and his wife Cleo.
Cleo had multiple sclerosis, so the pair had moved to Colby Point seeking a quiet, relaxed life. Little did they know when they relocated to this serene area that they would end up rearing their granddaughter, Margie. Before long, the once quiet neighborhood became active with the sounds of a child.
Margie always looked forward to the arrival of Christmas, and this year was no different as wi