请问这句谚语是什么意思:victors belong the spoils

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 15:33:13
(To the)victors belong the spoils.

杰克逊是第一个广泛采用分赃制(Spoils System)的总统。上台后进行清洗,撤换近20%的联邦官职,由本党党员填补。一个杰克逊的支持者创造出这句话:“战利品属于获胜者”(To the victor belong the spoils)。杰克逊认为官职轮换比较民主,因为:它能防止长期担任官职的人成为贵族阶层;公职的职责非常简单明了,稍有智力的人都能够胜任。(对于分赃制的批评最终导致了文官体制的确立。

这个谚语主要用来指美国政治中的分肥制(spoils system),指政党赢得选举后,以任命政府官职和给予其他利益的方式报偿竞选工作者及其他活跃的支持者。

to the victor belong the spoils:
The winner gets everything, as in He not only won the tournament but ended up with numerous lucrative endorsements--to the victor belong the spoils. This expression alludes to the spoils system of American politics, whereby the winner of an election gives desirable jobs to party supporters.

During a Congressional debate in 1831 a New York senator, William L. Marcy, used the phrase "to the victor belong the spoils."

This saying accurately described the spoils system of appointing government workers. Each time a new administration came into power thousands of public servants were discharged and members of the vict