一段空战的无线电对话录音, 英文好的朋友请帮忙听一下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 21:42:48
尤其是最后一句, 即"this is Storm 2, we have bird in the water"后面那一句. 这时的情景是Zombie中队一架战机被敌方的Fulcrum(米格29)击落.


下载后需要用WinRAR解压, 得到的文件格式是".wav", 用Windows自带的媒体播放器即可播放.

我把我能听出的部分给出来, 听不出的用"*"标出. 用中括号标记的部分没有出现在录音里. 谁把最后一句听出即可得200分.

U******: Storm 2, this is U****** control, you're cleared for immediate departure.

Storm 2: Roger U*******.

Checkmate: Storm 2, (This is)Checkmate. Storm 2 switch to navy control.

Storm 2: Roger, switch to ****** 1.

Storm 2: ****** 1, this is Storm 2.

****** 1: Storm 2, Zombie is in bound the target, we sure Fulcrums in bound, destroy them before engaging the missile boats.

Storm 2: Roger, you got it, we're on.

Storm 2: Contact, Havocs!

Storm 2: Contact, Fulcrums!

U******: Storm 2, this is U****** control, you're cleared for immediate departure.

Storm 2: Roger U*******.

Checkmate: Storm 2, (This is)Checkmate. Storm 2 switch to navy control.

Storm 2: Roger, switch to Argo 1.

Storm 2: Argo 1, this is Storm 2.

Argo 1: Storm 2, Zombie is in bound the target, we sure Fulcrums in bound, destroy them before engaging the missile boats.

Storm 2: Roger, I'm go on.

Storm 2: Contact, Havocs!

Storm 2: Contact, Fulcrums!

[Storm 1: Fox 3!]
[Storm 1: Fox 3 again!]

[Storm 1: 3 bandits in bound on my nose!]

Storm 2: Standby, I got'em!

[Storm 1: Follow me!]

Storm 2: Roger, resuming formation!

Storm 2: Argo 1, this is Storm 2, we have a bird in water, lines over.

Captain,this is CC control country need your patron.
<br>Ragor again.