
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 02:01:49
我们厂新建了一篇厂房,临时组建了一个监工小组,7个人,他们每天到工地去监工,很辛苦,快一年了,风雨无阻,从审核图纸,到开始动工,到检查现场的一些漏洞,等等,他们付出了比别人多的时间,没有按时下班,周末还加班,家里有等儿子回家吃饭的母亲,有刚生完孩子,在做月子中的妻子等丈夫回家,还有为了工作把婚礼延期的好同志……,我们领导让我写一篇关于表扬这些人的采访稿,我实在是写 不出来了,请大家帮帮我,谢谢了!

1. People often recognize you as an experienced English news reader on TV, do you think your TV image has formed part of your social identity?
Yes, of course. Everyone has his social identity, whether he is literally "within" or "without" the society. Even a hermit who lives in seclusion or a bank robber has his social identity.--"Non-social" or "anti-social" is his social identity. There's just no way for us to escape. There are some people whose social identities seem to be more "social" than others because they represent public images, and I am supposed to be one of those. For many people, my social identity is the guy who reads something on TV in a language alien to theirs, and they know me by face, but don't know what I'm saying. I'm just joking. But "identity" is indeed an interesting word, it refers to something that identifies with your true self, something that makes you what you are. In this