--is the door open?---no,it remains___.We cn,tgo in.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 09:28:19
2.to be closed
we can't go in

-Is the door open? 门开这吗?
-no it remains <closed>. We can't go in. 不,他还关这。我们无法进去。

If it's "to be closed". The last part "we can't go in", would not be there.Since if it's open(not closed), that mean they CAN go in.

如果它将"被关闭" 。最后部份 "我们无法进去", 不会在那里。因为如果门是开的(没关),他们可以进去。

门 开 着 吗 ?不 。门 总 是 关 着 的。
我 们 进 不 去 。
it remains closed 保 持 关 闭 状 态