
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 09:32:33
【摘要】商务谈判中,讨价还价是难免的,也是正常的,有时对方提出的要求或观点与自己相反或相差太远,这就需要拒绝、否定。但若拒绝、否定的死板、武断,甚至粗鲁,就会伤害对方,使谈判出现僵局。高明的拒绝、否定应审时度势、随机应变 有理有节地进行,让双方都有回旋的余地,以达到成交的目的。


Business negotiations, bargaining is inevitable, it is normal, Sometimes the other side of the request or with their own views or different from those which need to reject, deny. If rejected, the negative rigid and arbitrary, even rude, it will hurt the other, so that the impasse in the negotiations. Smart reject, deny should assess the situation and adapt to the just and restrained manner so that the two sides have leeway bid to achieve the purpose.