
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 05:53:37

请 问 , 课 已 经 补 了 还 是 没 有 ?
要 是 补 了 ,
I would like to find out what was covered in Sunday's make-up session.
要 是 还 没 补 ,
I'd like to know the content of Sunday's make-up session.
I'd like to know what will be covered in Sunday's make-up session.

补 课 V. to have a make-up session
N. a make-up session

i want to konw what lessons will be on this Sunday

I wanna know what the content of the missed lesson on sunday.
missed lesson 就是名词形式

I want to know the content of the rescheduled lesson on this Sunday.

Would please inform me the content of the rescheduled lesson on this Sunday.

I want to know Sunday makes up for a missed lesson content