
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 12:01:20
由于现代色彩学的发展,人们对色彩的认识不断深入,对色彩功能的了解日益加深,更使得色彩在室内设计处于举足轻重的地位。可以说,色彩,就是室内设计的灵魂。在室内设计中,不仅要遵循一定的色彩运用的原则,而且要充分考虑到色彩对人的生理以及心理的作用,利用色彩作用与人们的视觉感受,来创造有个性、层次、秩序与情调的环境,从而达到事半功倍的效果。 物理、生理及心理作用,设计原则,功能。 美术学院.

Modern colors on the development of the people of color in-depth understanding of the function of color understanding has been deepened, even more color in interior design in a pivotal position. It can be said that the color of interior design is the soul. In interior design, we must follow certain principles of the use of color. and to take fully into account the color of physiological and psychological role, function and the use of color for the eye feelings, to create a personality, levels, order and stories of the environment, so as to achieve effective and efficient. Physical, physiological and psychological, design principles and functions. Academy of Art.