关于Symbian OS与硬件, 这句话怎么翻译比较好

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 12:13:44
There are strong financial pressures towards the closer integration of the AP and BP domains for mid-tier phones. Example designs range from multiple cores on one ASIC, sharing memory but little else, up to the full integration of the telephony stack and Symbian OS. In this last case, the two co-exist on the same CPU, with all of the software integration issues that this incurs.


要更紧密地融入鸭和BP域的中间层电话,存在着强大的经济压力. 例如设计各种多种内核到一个芯片,共享存储.但是压力仅限于此, 直到全部整合电话栈以及Symbian作业. 在这种情况下,两者并存于同一中央处理器, 同所有的软体整合的问题,这要花费.