Corrective Action Guideline 翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 08:07:19

To provide managers with a formalized process to manage performance issues so employees can be fully productive and meet performance objectives

To provide employees with a clear understanding of the performance, conduct and attendance expected of them so they can change their behavior

To allow employees the opportunity to improve so they will be successful


To use a formalized process to improve the employees performance by identifying factors contributing to the employee’s poor performance and next steps
Ensure that clear and concise expectations for improvement have communicated to the employee
Document performance issues in a manner that will reduce the risk of litigation
Communicate performance expectations and the consequences of not meeting the objectives agreed to in the written document to employees

The Corrective Action Classification works for both misconduct and p

哲学:宗旨: 为管理人员提供一个正式的流程管理绩效的问题,让员工能充分发挥作用,并达到性能obje ctives为雇员提供了清晰的认识表现, cond uct和出勤的期望,所以他们可以改变他们的行为,让员工有机会不断改善于是 会成功的目标,以一个正式的流程,以提高员工绩效,通过识别因素为e mployee的表现不佳和下一步骤确保明确和简洁的期望改善,已传达给员工doc ument履约问题的方式将减少诉讼的风险沟通业绩预期的后果不m 垫中商定的各项目标的书面文件,员工纠正行动分类作品既失当和P erformance问题,这两个时间的口头警告,在12个月2次,书面警告/不符合期望在12个月辉 l达到期望/目标,这些步骤,也不一定要遵循顺序,可以适用 恰当. 绩效改进计划,应考虑到个案当员工的表现或行为低于可接受的水平 经理人的口头教练没有改善这种状况. 正式记录计划,概述在过去的讨论中就表现/操守 需要改进和后果,如果表现/操守问题继续将审议的长度改善通时间 最终的书面警告,不超过60天. 最后书面警告及改善计画,必须审查和批准了一项人力资源经理/多面手,下一 企业管理水平,才给雇员. 然后管理者和员工走上最后书面警告 经理会给员工二十四小时支付决策离去. 如果雇主决定他/她并不想顺利完成改善计划的最后书面警告 维持业绩概述,该公司将不会接受一个辞职,并将讨论过渡出格兰杰.
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