Harriet Taylor的具体资料!~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 08:47:42
只知道John Stuart Mill和阿哈迪(原为泰勒夫人)相识二十年后结婚。穆勒对哈迪的才智、魄力、精神极为推崇。她失一位民主主义者和改良主义者,与穆勒志同道合,对穆勒的著述多有建议和贡献!~

  Harriet Taylor Mill (1807 – 1858) was a philosopher and women's rights advocate. She married John Stuart Mill in 1851 after a 21-year friendship and love affair (during most of which she was married to John Taylor). Although she and Mill shared an enthusiasm for women's liberation, they differed in details; she believed that women should be educated and encouraged to enter public life and to pursue careers, while he believed that the removal of legal and educational barriers to women's independence would accomplish equality between the sexes, by granting women independence within marriages.

  Mill called her a valuable contributor to much of his work, and especially On Liberty. She also authored her own works, including Enfranchisement of Women.

  Harriet Taylor Mill died in Avignon after developing severe lung congestion, on 3 November 1858.


  * Rossi, Alice S. (1970). Sentiment and Intellect: The St