greater glider是什么动物?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 16:41:53

大袋鼯,学名Petauroides volans,


A Greater Glider has big bushy ears, a long tail and has jet black fur. It can climb trees and in one glide it can go from tree to tree. A gliding membrane stretches from the elbow to the ankle. It likes to live alone and the male defends its territory fiercely.
The Greater Glider mates with only one female during its life. The female only has one baby every year. The Greater Glider lives between 8 to 10 years. It is related to the Yellow Belled Glider. The Greater Glider is common in Australia. The largest of Australia's gliding possums is the Greater Glider.
A Greater Glider is found in parts of Victoria, New South Wales and even in sub-tropical Queensland. The Greater