
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 12:03:39

When eating at home with guests or eating out,there are several table manners that are generally observed.

Most meals served in American homes are served “family-style”;this means that the food is placed on platters(大浅盘) or in large bowls,and passed around to each person at the table. Each person takes a little food and puts it on his/her plate,and then passes the food to the next person. It is OK to ask for second helpings.

If you are treating your lady friend to a meal at a nice restaurant,it is polite to hold the chair for her while she sits down. Each person orders their own food and drinks,and it is polite to order items that are similar in price to the host 's order. Before beginning your meal,place your napkin(餐巾) over your lap,and remove it when the meal is completely fin-ished.

It is polite to wait until everyone at your table is served before you begin eating;in some instances(例子),it is best to wait until the host begins eating. It is n