
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 17:26:52
早在古代中国,就已经有了四大发明:指南针,造纸,火药,印刷术。他们对世界产生了很大影响。还有中国的丝绸茶叶陶瓷也很著名,中国古代的“丝绸之路”远近闻名。中国还有茶文化,戏剧文化等等。京剧是最珍贵的文化宝藏之一。一些中国文学里的角色比如《西游记》里的孙悟空 猪八戒,《三国演义》里的诸葛亮,都是非常出名的。
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In ancient china, there were already four great invetntion that is the compass, paper-making, fire pwder and printing they effecte the world a lot and the silk and pottery of China are also very famous the "silk road" of the anceint times is very famous China also has the tea culture and opera the Bei King Opera is one of the cultural treasures. Some rols in the master piece like the PIg the monkey king of Travel towards West the Zhugeliang of the are very famous