
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 01:34:07
Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person but they always involve the hands traditionally in china ,when we greet someone we put the right hand over the left and bow slightly. Muslims give a salaam where they touch their heart mouth and forehead .Hindus join their hands in respect In all of these examples the hands are busy with the greeting and cannot hold a weapon.

亚洲国家的问候方式一般都没有身体接触.在中国一般是握手.当我们跟人打招呼的时候,我们伸出右手,微微躬身. 穆斯林是额手礼--用手抚心,嘴和前额.印度教徒双手合十,以表示双手里面没有武器.