
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:24:03


关键词:活着 人文关怀 困境 意义

Alive, never questioning -- Yu Hua "alive" humanist concern Abstract : Yu Hua's "To Live" To show us one from the 1940s to the Cultural Revolution in China for decades of social and historical life Vistas, let us see that in the specific historical conditions of each person's spiritual life has been squeezed to a minimum. "People are alive to their own lives, and not for any outside living things are alive." The author has shown great humanism care, attention, performance, the sympathy for the suffering, the hope of life, and inspire people to think about the meaning of life and values. This paper attempts to stand for the humanities perspective on the works of the main characters in character formation and fate, the meaning to life and the value of "alive" and the reality of linkage analysis. Keywords : Humane Care predicament alive significance

Alive, never questioning -- Yu Hua " Alive" Humanist concernAbstract