中西婚礼流程 要英语的哦 谢谢啦~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 19:57:03

Wedding, is an important thing during one's life, and it's containes very deep meaning of feeling to one.However,it is not only a ceremony but markedably to one country and nation. Wedding is a kind of cultural phenomenon and also is a centralising expression of multipal civile combination, and integrat the wisdom of whole nation. From every courty's wedding habbit, the unique civilise phenomenon of one nation can be reflected.Therefore, searching on the wedding custom of one country is to search the unique civilization of this country. Our message will take two country's wedding custom as sample for discussion-- China & English.China is an old eastern courty,which has deep ideas of civilise,and its wedding custom is various. English, unique representative of english-speaking courties,and the wedding custom also have its characteristic. Each of the two stand for the East and west part.Make a comparision of the two country's wedding custom, and the civilization ,