
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 04:50:31

In the process of teaching, teachers lead students is the main teaching is the interaction between teachers and students to complete, Along with teaching and curriculum reform deepens, teachers in the classroom teaching is the status of education as teaching and curriculum reform deepens, teachers in the classroom teaching position is facing unprecedented challenges, and the role of teachers from the division of the dignity of the transition to the authority of the teaching activities of the organizers, guide, collaborators, regulator. However, this does not mean teachers can be re-light the random role. Let students from the life examples found problems, and explore the law and understanding of thinking, teachers are required to provide students with examples, Creating scenes. So teachers can maximize play a leading role in a direct impact on constraining students play the main role.

The process of teaching, teachers lead students is the main teaching is the interac