
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:20:07
我在21st Century上看到的:
Sarkozy was being satirical and meant: There is no place in politics for Bayrou, so he should perhaps get another job.
主要是这句话的前半部分,“Sarkozy was being satirical and meant:”有些费解。 我只知道be meant to有“有意要,打算”的意思,meant本身又不是形容词。
I reviewed the newspaper and found the truth.
In fact , what Sarkozy said is "The final is for the finalists; the No3 does something else." , as a title of the short article. So Sarkozy , saying that, just mean: There is no place in politics for Bayrou, so he should perhaps get another job.

original text:
'The final is for the finalists; the No3 does something else.'

Sarkozy made the remark about Francois Bayrou who came in third, in the first round of voting last week, Sarkozy finished first. According to French election rules, only two candidates qualify for the final round. So, the one who comes in third is out. Sarkozy was being satirical and meant: There is



白鲁(Francois Bayrou)-法国民主联盟(UDF)


Sarkozy was being satirical and meant: There is no place in politics for Bayrou, so he should perhaps get another job.


是你看错了,还是21ST 错了,个人觉得这里应该是mean

mean 有低劣的,卑鄙的意思.

不是啦~ MEANT在那句句子里面的意思是 "吝啬的"的意思,你可以看到 satirical and meant, and前后总是并列意思想近的词语,知道satirical的意思就可以猜mean的意思了,呵呵.

同意楼上。satirical 和mean 的词性相同,都是形容词。既讽刺且无情。