
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 07:44:24
在已跨入21世纪的今天,人类使用和学习信息的方式以及信息的包装方式正在进行着不可阻挡的革命,这次革命将比印刷术的出现所产生的影响以及对社会发展的推动远为复杂而巨大。目前,我国上网的人口已近一个亿,成立世界上网民最多的国家,许多人在需要查询信息,首先想到的就是上网。网站的迷人之处在于综合使用文本、图象、声音、动画和视频的信息和内容,具有丰富的多媒体表现与互动特点,无可置疑, 网站已成为最吸引人的也最有效的信息传递手段和方式。本网站主要是利用Microsoft FrontPage 2003制作而成,充分运用FrontPage 2003的一些基本功能,加入了脚本、网页框架、级联样式表、书签、超链接。

Has entered the 21st century today. human use and learning in the way information and the packaging of information is going on an unstoppable revolution, printing of this revolution than by the emergence of the impact on the community and promote the development of the much more complex and enormous. At present, China's Internet population of nearly 1 billion to set up the world's largest number of Internet users, many people need access to information, The first thing is the Internet. Terms of the charm lies in the integrated use of text, image, sound, animation and video information and content rich multimedia and interactive features of the performance, there is no doubt that The site has become the most attractive is the most effective means of transmitting and modalities. This site is mainly used Microsoft FrontPage 2003 produced, FrontPage 2003 full use of some of the basic functionality, joined the script, web framework, cascading style sheet, bookmarks, hyperlinks.