
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 23:58:00
我需要一份范本 我在一个大型商场做活动策划 现在需要做一个大型的活动 会有很多人来参加 如果书写报名简介呢 要说清过程 而且要吸引人 最好有一个范本 谢谢了

Resume Writing in the Digital Age

Writing an eye-catching resume is becoming increasingly difficult as automated search agents increasingly replace the“eyes”of recruiters. As automation advances,your resume will be read by more computers and fewer people. As a result,using the appropriate key words and proper formatting are critical to securing an interview.

The advantage of all the new technology is that you can easily and quickly submit a resume to a wide range of employers.

Follow these steps:

Your name and address,including e-mail,should appear on the top.

In the experience and achievements section,your employer‘s name,your title,and the dates of employment should be clearly displayed. Start with your most recent position. Choosing the appropriate keywords to describe your experience will increase the likelihood of your resume landing on the screen of the recruiter’s desktop. Scan the ads posted on this site and note the lan