
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:44:16
As emphasized in a recent survey (Camp, 2006),, there is burgeoning literature on the economics of information security, particularly in regard to the vulnerability lifecycle and the exchange of security-related information. Arora et al. (2005) studies vendors’ decisions to invest in the security of their products and the timing of issuing patches for known vulnerabilities. It is shown that quality of software products and vendor’s investment in patching technology are strategic substitutes. The presence of patching technology induces vendors to enter the market sooner with buggier software. Incentives to do so get stronger with an increase in the market size and the degree of competition. Arora et al. (2004a) shows that vendors always choose to issue a patch later than is socially optimal. Beattie et al. (2002) focuses on the administrators’ decision to apply a known patch.
Schneier (2000) used the concept of “window of exposure” to express the fact that the overall damage from a



开发商在产品安全和针对可知风险作出防范这方面,会作出一些投资。而Arora et al(2005)就针对他们投资与否的决定,做了一项调查。调查表明,软件产品数量和商家在补丁技术的投资实际上是成比例的。现存的补丁技术会引诱商家在开发的软件上故意制造漏洞。 这样做的动机,是为了开拓市场,增强竞争力。

啊 这是经济学文章 应该没人回答吧



作为强调,在最近一项调查中(营地, 2006年5月) ,是新兴文学的经济学信息安全 尤其是在脆弱的生命和交换安全有关的信息. Arora在等. ( 2005 )的研究厂商决定投资于安全的产品,以及何时发布补丁,对已知 弱点. 这是显示品质的软件产品及供应商的投资,在修补技术是战略替代. 在场的修补技术引导商贩进入市场越早buggier与软件. 奖励做好办增加,在市场规模和竞争程度. Arora在等. ( 77.4% )表明,卖主总是选择发行补丁后,是不是社会最优. 贝蒂等. ( 2002 )着重于管理者的决策和运用已知的补丁. 奈尔( 2000 )的使用概念的"窗口曝光&qu