
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:14:53
近年来随着计算机在社会领域的渗透, 单片机的应用正在不断地走向深入,同时带动传统控制检测日新月益更新。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往是作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构,以及针对具体应用对象特点的软件结合,以作完善。
MCS-51单片机是Intel公司推出的世界上著名的高性能低功耗非易失性存储器和数字集成电路的一流半导体,它的EEPROM 电可擦除技术、闪速存储器技术和质量、高可靠性的生产技术。在CMOS 器件生产领域中,Intel 的先进设计水平、优秀的生产工艺及封装技术一直处于世界的领先地位,这些技术用于单片机生产使单片机也具有优秀的品质、在结构、性能和功能等方面都有明显的优势。Intel公司的单片机是目前世界上一种独具特色而性能卓越的单片机。它在计算机外部设备、通讯设备、自动化工业控制、宇航设备、仪器仪表和各消费类产品中都有着广泛的应用前景。

In recent years, with computers in the social sphere infiltration SCM applications are constantly go deeper and Meanwhile led the traditional detection of ever updated. Real-time detection and control of the SCM application system, SCM is often as a core component to use, SCM knowledge alone is not enough and should be based on specific hardware structure, and the specific characteristics of the target application software combination for perfect. MCS-51 microcontroller is Intel Corporation to launch the world famous high-performance, low-power consumption and nonvolatile memory the number of first-class semiconductor integrated circuits, which can be erased -- EEPROM technology, flash memory technology and quality, high reliability production technology. CMOS devices in the field, Intel's advanced design standards, outstanding production techniques and Packaging Technology has been a world leader status SCM technologies for the production so that SCM is also excellent quality,