
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 01:36:12
我们外教口语考试```题目是:Which is better,to like your job or to make a lot of money in your job?
2.就此问题给一篇约一分钟的英语短文 ```最好是自己写的 不必太难了.


Working is not only people's basic requirement to live, but also makes people realize their value. And there are always two different view: to choose a job you like, or to choose a job which could give you more money.
As far as I am concerned, i will choose a job which i like. Since I think happy is the most valuable thing in the world, only happy can make us enjoy longer life and keep healthy. Money is important. But if i do a job only for it can provide me with more money, I don't think it's a wise choice. Imagine you earn a lot of money from the job, but you in fact don't like it and it often makes you feel tired, how can you enjoy your life? How can you keep healthy and feel little pressure?
So, Money is important, but happy and healthy is more important. I will be happy and live longer so as to make more money, but if the job is tiring and ruin my health, how can i save money? I will have to spend a lot of the