
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 12:32:49
21 世纪是市场营销发展史上具有划时代意义的年代,新的营销理论、方法、技术不断涌现,世界经济进入一个全新的时代———新经济时代。新经济的兴起,使企业的营销环境发生了巨大变化. 新经济的兴起,正改变着我们的营销环境,影响着市场营销的方方面面,在营销观念、策略、组织、管理等方面都发生了较为深刻的变化. 市场营销观念从产品观念、生产观念、推销观念、营销观念到社会营销观念逐步的演进.更加重视战略,合作,企业形象等方面.在营销策略上由4P到4C在到4R的转变.由以客户为导向,转向以需求为导向,在到以竞争为导向.着眼于企业与客户的互动与双赢。在营销组织方面,动态地设计相应的营销组织结构形式,进行营销组织的再造,提高企业的市场竞争力。营销组织朝着学习型营销组织,网络型营销组织,虚拟营销组织,这三个方向发展.在营销管理方面也发生了转变,从硬式管理向柔性管理的转变;从忽视企业内外部协调向运用客户关系管理系统联结内外部营销管理转变;从忽视营销管理的整合到大力实施整合营销管理的转变。在营销创新方面,出现了许多新的营销方法,如关系营销,网络营销等新方法.

The 21st century is the history of the development of marketing is of epoch-making significance in the age of new marketing theories, methods and techniques emerge. the world economy has entered a new era -- the era of new economy. The emerging new economy, enterprise marketing environment has undergone tremendous changes. The emerging new economy. We are changing the marketing environment, which will affect all aspects of marketing, the marketing concept and strategy, organization, management, and other areas have undergone profound changes. Marketing concepts from product concepts, and ideas, marketing concepts, Marketing social marketing concepts to the concept of gradual evolution. pay more attention to strategy, cooperation, corporate image, and so on. in marketing strategy by the four P to 4 C in the R-4 to change. from a customer-oriented, shift to a more demand-oriented, to a competition-oriented. focus on enterprise and the customer's interaction with a win-win situatio