
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:38:27
因为想找给外国朋友交流 下了个外国的聊天工具想用英文介绍自己的意图帮忙想想还应说写什么呢?

I want to find a foreign friend who is willing to talk with me in
English and we can learn each other.

i want to find a english native speaker with whom i can improve my english and he/she may study chinese

Wants to look for a foreign country mutually to study with Englishexchange friend.

I wanna find a English speaker to improve my Eglish.

恩。。。劝你一句吧,不要在外国聊天工具上写这样的话,这样会让老外觉得你是个bookworm,study freak,nerd的,会不愿意跟你交流。不如写上你的兴趣爱好,不要让人觉得你和他聊天就是为了学外语的,会觉得你很无聊的。你说呢?

I want to look for a foreign country mutually to study with English exchange friend

Wanna find a foreign friend to communicate with me in English.