The new class : an analysis of the communist system

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 08:54:56

新的阶级:共产主义制度的分析 原文可能是<共产党宣言>

作者是米洛凡·吉拉斯 他是前南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国副总统,曾任书记处书记。因鼓吹多党自由而被开除出党。


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Publisher Comments:
The New Class created a sensation was published in the United States in 1957, because it was the first time that a ranking Communist had publicly analyzed his disillusionment with the system. Djilas, a former associate of Tito's who had traveled from the lowest to the highest rung of the hierarchical ladder and who was imprisoned for his views, had found himself increasingly estranged from contemporary Communism and attracted to the idea of democratic socialism. Here, however, he puts aside the story of his personal evolution to write a detached, lucid, courageous critique of the Communist system: its roots, the character of its revolutions, the rise of its powerful political bureaucracy — the new class — in what was intended to be a classless society, its one-party state, its econom