前几天在哪里看到Maxwell Gary 这个名字,觉得好眼熟,有人知道这个人是谁吗?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 18:41:27
前几天在哪里看到Maxwell Gary 这个名字,觉得好眼熟,有人知道这个人是谁吗?

Maxwell Gary
  Famous designer from London
  Successful fashion expert and entrepreneur

  Maxwell Gary was born in England in 1943. When he was young, he followed his father teaching in India. With the major of fashion design, Maxwell Gary graduated from London College of Fashion, which is University of The Arts in London now. After his graduation, he got his working experiences around Paris, Milan and New York. And then, he worked for the most famous department store, Harrods. And he also became some noble and celebrity’s image consultants.

  Maxwell Gary prefers clear and simple colours and styles. He loves not only for British look, but also Yoga culture. With his guidance, MOYA YOGA turns to be elegant and full of fashion.


  Maxwell Gary于1943年出身于英国伦敦。在他小的时候,曾经跟随父亲在印度教学。他毕业于伦敦服装学院(即现在的伦敦艺术大学)服装设计专业。之后,Maxwell Gary分别在巴黎、米兰和纽约等时装圣殿积累工作经验。后来,他在英国著名的百货公司担任要职并成为一些英国名流和皇室的形象顾问。
  Maxwell Gary追求清新简