VFP程序设计:从1949到2049五一节是星期二的有几天 请哪位大哥帮帮忙

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 11:19:49

//--------------------FUNCTIONS MENTIONED---------------------
//int assign(time) assign a time to a time object.------------
//int day_of_the_week(time) return the day of the week.-------
//int calculate(time,time) return the days between two moments.
//int days_of_a_month(time) return the days' number of a month of a year.---------------------------------------------------------
//LT(time a,time b) return the result;who is much earlier;if a return 0;else,return 1.----------------------------------------------
//--------------------FUNCTIONS MENTIONED---------------------

//------------------functions' description.-------------------

//you can change this programe with the function assign() to see what day is any day you input!. -----------------------------------