求:计算机论文 摘要的翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 08:58:06
本设计拟实现了一个公安新闻发布网站。该网站以IIS 5.1为开发环境,通过Microsoft Access 2003构建后台数据库,以DREAMWEAVER为开发工具,采用ASP技术实现。网站具有前台显示和后台管理两大功能块。前台显示模块主要有用户登陆注册、信息搜索、新闻阅读等功能。后台管理模块主要有新闻管理、类别管理、评论管理、用户管理、首页专题项目管理等功能。该系统完成后的运行实现了网站新闻的动态管理,使得信息的管理更加方便、实时、高效,能够及时地完成各类公安信息的发布以及浏览者意见的反馈,基本达到了当初设计的目的。
关键词 ASP 模块 数据库 新闻系统

Abstract: This design aims to build a news releasing website of public security information. Developed in an environment of IIS 5.1, the website is built in ASP with the help of Dreamweaver and a background database of Microsoft Access 2003. The website has two major function parts, the foregrounding display module and the background management module. The foregrounding display module is designed for users to register, log in, search and read the news while the background module consists of management sections of news, catalogues, comments, users, front page special items and so on. Completed, such a system realizes a dynamic management of the web news featuring convenience, real-time update and efficiency. Capable of releasing information on public security timely and providing feedbacks from readers, it has fulfilled the goal of the design primarily.

Key Words: ASP, module, database, news releasing system


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