Talk 2 minutes about future!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:39:11
1.what do you want to do.
2.what should you do if want to be successful.
急用,在线等! 谢谢!

拿出你的魅力,做你想做的事情,实现心灵的自由.如果生活缺乏勇气和魄力,那你永远处于环境和他人的摆布之下,选择自己喜欢的工作,需要你的勇气和魄力 无论有多么困难,我们都应该找到真正属于自己内心深处所需要的东西.甘愿迷失方向的人,他永远也走不出人生的十字路口;只有那些不愿糊涂生活,有勇气和魄力,有意志和毅力的人,才能从生活的泥潭地中走出来.只有找到自己想做的事情,你才会去改变现状. 不要问自己的年龄有多大和现在的工作状况如何,因为你想做的那件事才是你真正的天赋所在,才是你人生的成功点,才是你生命的寄托和精神的家园 拿出你的魄力,做自己想做的事情,这也是人生一大快事
Show your charisma, to do the things you want to do and achieve spiritual freedom. If the living lack of courage and determination, Then you will always be in the environment and at the mercy of others, to choose their favorite work, You need the courage and determination no matter how difficult, We should find a truly belongs deep in the heart of the necessary things. willing to lose direction. He will never fail the crossroads of life; Only those who do not want to mess life, the courage and the courage, determination and perseverance of the people, can be from the mire of life to emerge. only to find the things they want, You will to change the status quo. Do not ask their age now and how much