
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 00:24:13
写下大家感触很深的一句话,可以是原创也可以是转的(一定要用英语的)!比如这句怎么翻译 叶子的离去是因为风的追求,还是树的不挽留!

Is leaf's leaving for wind's seeking, or for tree's no asking to stay?


Leaf's going be not to persuade to stay because of groundless running after, is still tree!
我的:Pay attention to self's own moral uplift without thought of others endlessly then in success , one tries to let others be benefited

中文意思:穷则独善其身 达则兼济天下

Pay attention to self's own moral uplift without thought of others endlessly then in success , one tries to let others be benefited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!绝对正确

这句:Shit happens! 在<阿甘正传>里第一次听到它,一开始不明白它的含义,后来逐渐体会,应该是说人生中总有一些倒霉的事情会发生,我觉得这是一种对待人生的豁达的态度。