
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 03:10:08

Major obigations covering:
1. management of the office fixed-assets
2. revamping of the working places
3. purchasing and maintaining the office equipments
4. contacting and co-ordinating between developers and property companies
5. dealing with administrative licences
6. arranging meetings, receptions and entertainments
7. assisting to enact, supervise and implement regulations of the company
8. planning office expenditures, purchasing, managing and delivering office appliances
9. handling with documents


Office responsible for the use of fixed assets management; Office space for the renovation; Office equipment procurement and maintenance; Building contacts and coordination property developers; types of administrative license for the work; Organization meeting well received recreational activities; assist in the development, monitoring, implementation and Chief regulations; organize a company office costs,