
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 17:47:15
1. 学生们对这部有趣的电影感兴趣.
The students __________ ________ _______ the ________ film .
2. 如果你太懒的话,你会发现找工作很难.
If you are too lazy , you will fine _____________ _____________ to fine a job.
3. 我们如何才能说服他加入我们呢?
How can we _____ ______ _____ ________ us ?
4. 鲍勃从自行车摔下来, 把胳膊摔断了.
Bob _______ _______ the bike and ______ his arms .
5. 在非洲,因为缺乏食物,成千上万的人正在挨饿.
________ ______ people ________ _______ because of lacking food in Africa .
6. 我真地希望你不要老来打扰我!
I really hope you wouldn't ________ _______ me !
7. 在一生当中,我们可能会面对各种各样的困难.
We can face all kinds of difficultries _______ ______ ______ .
8. 就像往常一样, 我又在课堂上睡着了.
I fell asleep in class __________ ________.
9. 哦! 顺便说一下,有你的一个电话.
Oh ! __________ ______ _______ , there was a telephone for you .
Do you _______ my ________ the window ?

The students are interested in the interesting film.

If you are too lazy,you will find it's hard to find a job.

How can we persuade them to join us?

Bob falt down from the bike and broke his arms.

Thousands of people are starving because of lacking food in Africa.

I really hope you wouldn't always disturb me !

We can face all kinds of difficultries in our lifetime.

I fell asleep in class as usual.

Oh! By the way,there was a telephone for you.

Do you mind my closing the window?