去美国Transfer student好还是读研好?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 06:48:42
我今年读大一 将来想到国外读书 请问我是在大二大三申请transfer student 好呢 还是读完大学到国外读研好呢?能不能帮我从费用、适应性、需要通过的考试等方面分析~
谢谢两位的回答啊。最近又有人建议读两个大一 让我申请Freshman 因为transfer一般没有奖学金 你们觉得怎样?

nah, strongly disagree! Do transfer now, as quick as possible ! I have been studying in the states for 8 years. My experience can tell ya that transferring student is a lot easier to get in top universities in the states. Being said, a top good university takes less challenge to continue for further studying in graduate school.
Let me know if you need further help, this is really critical for ya right now. You gotta do this right now coz the winter term is coming soon.
Hope this helps

go to do your master degree !!!

analysed from all aspects !

if you want to go now, you have to take TOEFL ,and you could hardly have any credits transferred

if you go in 3 years from now, you still have to take TOEFL and maybe GRE,, but it takes only up to 2 years to get a master degree ,