
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 00:45:45
Accounting Reversals to Previous Year Accounting Transactions

We have recently received clear guidance that corrections to previous year transactions should be processed aginst the account the original transaction was made and not to automatically process the correction to Period Expense. Please refer to the guidance in bold below.
eg. an over accrued/under accrued rebate needs to be processed against sales

From a U.S. GAAP perspective, all out of period adjustments need to be recorded on the line item that was impacted by the error. For example, if a selling expense entry incorrectly reduced selling expense in a prior period, the current period adjustment would be to increase selling expense. Note - this includes divested businesses.

A minor exception to this apporach is when the original transaction was made to COGS. In this instance, a correction to a previous years COGS transaction needs to be made to MPE (GCOA 5680). A further explanation of

如: 如果前期销售费用少计了,本期调整,应增加当期销售费用.

