帮忙翻译 幼儿教育总结

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 08:44:31
时间飞逝,转眼间,来特蕾新豪方幼儿园已有四年了。首先很感谢特蕾新机构给我这么好的机会,感谢帮助过我的同事和领导。回顾这走过的日子,好像很忙碌但是却感到充实而有意义。同时也学到了不少东西。下面我把这四年来的工作做一个总结。一、本人能遵纪守法,能遵守园内制定的规章制度,不迟到,不早退。跟同事相处愉快。二、 为了上好课,我备好每一节课。自己动手制作教学用图和教学用具。上课时平等对待每一个孩子,给每一个孩子有充分展示自已的机会。课后不断反思,不断总结,努力提高自已的业务水平,争取取得更好的成绩。三、 教育幼儿关心集体,关心同伴,礼貌待人。四、 1、主动亲切地与家长沟通。我充分利用了接车的时间跟家长交流,使家长了解自己孩子在园的情况。 2、使用家园联系册、电话,家访多种形式进行访问。关注家园互动,让每个家庭都成为幼儿园的合作伙伴。总之四年来非常忙也非常累,收获当然也不小。在工作中我享受到收获的喜悦,也在工作中发现一些存在的问题。在今后我会努力学习新知识,努力提高自已,争取把日后的工作做得更好!同时也祝愿特蕾新机构越办越好!


Time passes, the twinkling of an eye, to Telei new kindergartens have been as high side for four years. First of all, I am grateful to Telei new body to me such a good opportunity to thank the help of my colleagues and leadership. Looking back over the years, it seems to be too busy but it is full and meaningful. Also learned a lot. Now I take four years to do the work of a summing up. One, I have the law and will abide by the rules and regulations of the park development, not late, leave early. Get along with colleagues happy. Second, to the quintessential course, I prepare for each lesson. Personally produced teaching plans and teaching aids. Even when an equal treatment of each child, to each child has a full opportunity to display its own. OSCAR constant reflection, review, and make efforts to enhance their own professional standards and strive for better results. 3, the child care collective concern companions, courtesy treat people. 4, an initiative to cordially communicate wi