请高手帮忙英语单词造句 急急急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 12:16:06
drain v. 使...流出
enliven v. 使...有生气
sadden v. 使伤心
prop v. 支撑
strain v. 尽全力
upset v. 使生气
spot v. 找出
overhead a.在头顶上的
sharp a.清晰的
boost v.改善
occur to 被想到
be dedicated to 专用于
in one's mind eye 在心灵的眼睛中
in any case 无论如何
weigh upon 重压

1.my blood has been drained by the knife.2.my teacher enlivens our class.3.the sad story really sadden me.4.the desk props the chair.5.i just strain to the success.6.he really upset me.7.please spot the key.8.a overhead branch nearly breaks down.9.it's really a sharp knife.10.the goverment boost the poor situation.11.the bad thing occurs to me.12.pen is dedicated to write.13.in my mind eye,i really see it.14.in any case,i won't give up.15.the burden weighs upon my shoulder.
