
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 16:11:11
大会上,中国共产党中央总书记、中央军事委员会主席、国家主席胡锦涛发表了讲话。对香港回归10周年取得的成果做了高度评价,说;10年来,我们在实践中获得了许多宝贵经验,其中最重要的有以下四点:第一,坚持全面准确地理解和贯彻执行“一国两制”方针;第二,坚持严格按照基本法办事;第三,坚持集中精力发展经济、改善民生;第四,坚持维护社会和谐稳定。“一国两制”是完整的概念。 “一国”就是要维护中央依法享有的权力,维护国家主权、统一、安全。“两制”就是要保障香港特别行政区依法享有的高度自治权,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政。只有把以上两个方面都落到实处,“一国两制”的优越性才能充分发挥出来,给香港同胞带来实实在在的福祉。

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China in the General Assembly on July 1 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center gala held. Congress, the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, State President Hu Jintao delivered a speech. On the 10th anniversary of the reunification of Hong Kong with the results achieved so highly valued that; 10, In practice we acquired a lot of valuable experience, the most important of which are the following four points : first, adhere fully and accurately understand and implement the "one country, two systems" principle; Second, we should adhere strictly in accordance with the Basic Law; Third, adhere to concentrate on developing the economy and improving people's livelihood; Fourth, we must uphold and maintain social harmony and stability. "One country, two systems" is a complete concept. "One country" is to maintain the central authori