
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 19:19:20
Play with mama's alligators...
- You've been talking about barbecued gators and crickets
for the last 2 weeks. I'm never going to your mama's
house, I promise.
alligator,barbecued gators ,cricket for。。。
Unfortunately, my great great grandfather, the genius that he was...Wound up going blind and crazy on a sych ward.Drawing these strange symbols, babling on about some...Giant ice man that he thought he saw...
解释一下wound up的用法。。

首先,gator=alligator 指的是某种鳄鱼或者某种鳄鱼的皮
其次,barbecued是指被烧烤过的,cricket有三种意思1. 蟋蟀;2. 一按即发出唧唧声的金属小玩具(或信号器);3. 搁脚木矮凳。具体怎么理解要看你电影里的情景。
再次,cricket for 不是放在一起理解的,而是 You've be talking about (barbecued gators and crickets) for the last 2 weeks.意义就是说你最近两周一直在谈论有关烤鳄鱼和烤蟋蟀的事情。

wound 在这里有可能是wind 刮风这个动词的过去式,bable 是指通天塔?没有见到详细的上下文,理解得不是很清楚。