
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 15:09:43


She came to me like a thief in the night 她像个小偷一样在夜晚接近我
And whispered in my ear 在我耳边轻声细语
She had my undivided attention 她让我目不转睛
And told me everything I wanted to hear对我说出了我全部的期许

She said that she wanted to give me a gift 她说要给我一个礼物
And that she'd give it to the rest of the world尽管她已经给了全世界
No matter how many people hear it 不管多少人听说过
She would always be my girl 她永远是我的姑娘

She makes me want to la la la la la la la la

Sometimes she's smooth, sometimes she's rough 她有时温柔有时强硬
And I love to see her rock 而我喜欢看她摇滚的样子
Sometimes she's a little alternative 有时她显得不食人间烟火
But nowadays she's more hip hop 但这两天她很hip hop

No matter how you interpret her 不管你怎么解释
She's always at the top of the chart 她总是占据上风
And if you look around and she can't be found 如果你四处寻找她却不见踪影
You can always find her deep in your 你总能在你心中找到她
